PromoTix Event Organizer Help Center

Helpful tips for recruiting new ambassadors

Written by Sebastian Schulze | Sep 28, 2021 3:30:57 AM

(Last Updated 8/10/23)

Congratulations on publishing your ambassador program on PromoTix! Now that you've published your program, the next crucial step is to fill up your team by recruiting a healthy number of ambassadors.

Haven't published your ambassador program on PromoTix yet? Click here for instructions.

Before you start recruiting ambassadors, there are three questions that you will need to ask yourself:

  1. Who am I trying to recruit?
  2. Once I've decided on who I am targeting, how will I find them?
  3. How will I go about contacting them?

Recruiting ambassadors is more of an art than a science, because the answers to these questions will vary widely depending on the circumstances. To help you answer these questions, we've compiled some proven strategies below to help you decide on the best approach to take.

1. Figuring out "who your ideal ambassador" is

In order for you to be successful in achieving your goals, your ambassadors will have to be successful in achieving theirs as well. To figure out who your ideal ambassador is, here are some questions you should ask yourself:

  • What does a successful ambassador on my team look like? Who are they?
  • What gender(s) are they?
  • What age(s) are they?
  • What interests do they have?
  • Who does my event appeal to?
  • Who will my awards appeal to?
  • Who will be capable of completing the tasks that I have set forth?

Here is an example of a well-defined ambassador profile:

"A successful ambassador on my team is either male or female, between the ages of 18 and 26, who is passionate about live music. They are highly social, and frequently attend concerts and music festivals. To friends and family, they are the "trusted expert" on which events to attend. They are constantly looking for new ways to earn and save more money. They are experienced in using mobile apps, signing up for new accounts, and learning new tools. They are regularly active on social media, and they are not afraid to hang up fliers & posters where they live. They are communicative and easy to work with."

2. How to find your ambassadors

Once you've decided on who your ideal ambassador is, the next step is to figure out how you can reach them. Here are some questions you should ask yourself:

  • Where do my ideal ambassadors hang out?
  • Which websites and social media platforms do they actively use?
  • Are they already familiar with your company?
  • How do they find out about new opportunities?
  • How do they communicate? (Email, text, phone call, direct message?)

Here are some possible answers to all of these questions:

"My ambassadors frequently hang out at college campuses and at local concert venues. They are active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and they may have an account on PromoTix as well. They are following my social media pages and have attended at least one of my events in the past. They find out about new opportunities through their friends, on social media, and through clubs that they are members of. They feel most comfortable communicating through email, text, and direct message."

3. How to contact them and promote your program

The last step is to decide on how you are going to reach out to potential ambassadors and promote your new program. Here are some basic non-negotiables that you should be doing if you want your ambassador program to be successful:

  1. Create a Facebook group (or other similar online group) for team building and communication
  2. Promote your ambassador program on your social media pages (paid ads are a bonus)
  3. Send an email blast to your mailing list
  4. Send a text blast to your contact list
  5. Create a dedicated page on your website promoting your ambassador program

Here are some methods that may be useful depending on who your ideal ambassador is:

  • Hosting an in-person gathering
  • Reaching out to local colleges and club leaders
  • Reaching out to trade schools, culinary schools, cosmetology schools
  • Reach out to other interest groups
  • Local radio stations

When you are just starting out, we recommend trying out multiple methods so you can figure out which method performs best.

In your messaging, be sure to include the following points:

  • What are you asking ambassadors to do?
  • What is in it for them?
  • What are the requirements in order to join your team?

4. Create a Facebook group/chat 

Creating a Facebook group can be a great way to engage with your ambassadors quickly!  Ways to use the group may include:

  • Pin program guidelines for quick reference
  • Update the team on event news & updates
  • Brag on their accomplishments or host a competition

5. How to create a recruitment graphic for social media posts, emails, and text messages

Graphics and videos can be very helpful to get these points across. Here is an example of a graphic that was used to recruit new ambassadors on social media:

  • Use a photo editor such as Canva or Poster Maker
  • Don't forget to include your program code & incentives in the graphic

Here is an example of a recruitment graphic used for social media posts, emails, and text messages:

For email blasts, here is an HTML template that we put together which you can use to craft your very own email blast:

6. Examples of how to create a page on your website promoting your ambassador program

Promoting your ambassador program on your website can help add a demographic of ambassador that you may not reach through social media outlets. Here is an example:

7. How to onboard ambassadors in PromoTix

Once you're ready to get your messaging out, it's important to give your ambassadors instructions on how to join your program through the PromoTix Ambassador mobile app.

Instructions for how to get started on the PromoTix Ambassador mobile app can be found here.

The PromoTix Ambassador mobile app is available on both iOS and Android devices:

The easiest way for ambassadors to join your program will be by entering in your program code in the mobile app.

To find your program code, follow these steps:

  1. In your PromoTix account, click on your Ambassador programs tab
  2. Click on the "Actions" dropdown menu to the right of your program
  3. Click on "Edit"
  4. Click on the "Details" tab at the top of the screen
  5. Scroll down until you see the "Program code" field

8. Invite ambassadors from the PromoTix network

In addition to ambassadors finding you, you can also search for ambassadors who are currently using PromoTix and invite them to your program. To access the recruitment window:

  1. Click on your ambassador program from the Ambassador programs tab
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen
  3. Click on the "Recruit ambassadors" tab

Once you're viewing the recruitment window:

  • A 👉 Search ambassadors by name
  • B 👉 Search for ambassadors who are located close to your program's location
  • C 👉 Send a bulk invitation to all ambassadors who have loaded in the table below
  • D 👉 Send an invitation to a specific ambassador

Ambassadors who are invited to join your program will receive a notification on the mobile app.

9. Tweak your strategy over time

Chances are you will learn valuable lessons as you grow your team. Be willing to tweak your strategy and adopt new methods to get better results!

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