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How to create a social media voice, tone, and style for your festival



There is no question that people are exponentially spending more and more time on social media. According to We Are Social, in 2020 3.8 billion people spent 2 hours and 24 minutes on average per day on social media. That is a whole lot of people spending a lot of time checking their social media accounts. 

Many wonder how often they should post on social media but there really is no definitive answer for this. It really all depends on the quality of the content but there isn’t a social media expert who wouldn’t agree that consistency is the key to engaging your audience. 

Then again, if you are posting hourly on Facebook or posting every 15 minutes on Twitter, you will just come across as annoying and probably lose followers and have less engagement. It is best to create a delicate balance between not posting enough and posting too much. It takes time to put together quality social media content and quality will always trump quantity.

According to Gather Content, your voice is your brand personality described in an adjective and your tone is a subset of your brand’s voice. So for example you might say your festival’s voice is lively or professional or enthusiastic and you would create a tone based on the audience you are trying to reach, the situation, or the platform. 

The style for your festival’s social media presence should relate to your overall brand and use similar types of images, graphics, colors, gradients, and themes. You might post a lot of memes for example or share artist spotlights and playlists. It should always be consistent with the brand you wish to portray and relate to your audience. You don’t want to be posting a bunch of memes one week and then posting a bunch of videos next week. The medium of content should be consistent as well as the subject of the content. 

people laughing at computersPHOTO BY PRISCILLA DU PREEZ


Every single time someone from your festival posts on social media, they are leaving an impression of your festival and expressing its voice. This can constitute the overall vibe of your festival and how others perceive it. Don’t just think about the potential ticket buyers or past or future attendees of your festival but also about vendors, suppliers, staff members, sponsors, agencies, artists, etc. who might all visit your social media channels at some point. 

So you should ask whether your festival’s voice is that of a hippie or a raver? Do you want to sound like Snoop Dogg or Post Malone? Maybe you want to sound more like Elon Musk or Tony Robbins or Gary Vee or maybe your festival is more family-oriented or attracts an older crowd. It helps to determine whether you want your voice to be comical and humorous or serious and professional. You might want to come off as a bit cocky and confident or stylish and friendly. 

It’s also a great idea to look towards the social media pages of some of the artists on your past, current, or future line-up as well as some of the partners of your festival and those on your marketing team. How do they present themselves on social media? Can you determine their voice and tone? What posts get the most engagement?

Once you determine the voice of your festival, gather up your team and staff and come up with a list of adjectives that might best describe your festival. It can be everything from adorable to enchanting or majestic to whimsical. List as many as you can and then narrow it down into 10 adjectives and then pick the top 4. This voice and tone can then be used in all your communications and copy throughout your festival. This not only includes social media but also in e-mails, web copy, blog posts, videos, proposals, etc. 

boardroom meetingPHOTO BY LEON


Avoid using words or jargon that not everyone might know the meaning of. Many festivals attract an international audience with people from all over the world. You want to make sure that everything you say and post can easily be translated into another language and isn’t too confusing or complicated. 

It’s also best to avoid anything that can be seen as clickbait or over-sensationalized. You want to always come off as real and authentic and do your best to avoid any controversy or drama. There is already enough drama on social media and this can ultimately tarnish and hurt your brand. Always keep it professional as you never know who is looking at your social media pages. This can also include governmental agencies that are issuing the permits for your event as well as local community organizations who might not agree that psychedelics should be legal or have healing effects. 

You want to come off as not only fun, exciting, and entertaining but also honest, trustworthy, truthful, and helpful. Proper communication is key, especially in the time of Covid. Make sure to also continuously keep your social media updated on any possible postponements or cancellations and make sure you also let everyone know that your festival is still moving forward or not. Respond to any questions and comments as much as possible and incorporate a chatbot if need be. 

Your social media channels should all be consistently updated across the board and should also take on the same voice and style throughout as well as tone. You can even take this voice, style, and tone into the festival with you. Everything from the way the people at the box office interact with the crowd to the signage and stage names can emulate what you post throughout your social media channels. 

Music festival marketing tool

If you stay consistent, then everyone who is a part of your festival will know exactly what to expect when you deal with them and know what your festival personality is like. PromoTix created the perfect tool to organize your social media channels you can find here:

Saxe Coulson
Saxe Coulson
Saxe has a vast range of knowledge covering everything from marketing, talent buying, and PR to sponsorship and festival planning.

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