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How to edit an order

(Last Updated 5/1/24)

If one of your customers chooses the incorrect date/time when purchasing tickets to your event, or purchased an incorrect ticket type, you may need to edit the order details in order to make a ticket swap. This article will show you how to edit an order on PromoTix.

NOTE: if you simply need to update the customer's information on their order (for example, name or email address), follow these instructions here instead.

NOTE: you can also edit order details using the PromoTix Organizer mobile app. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will be using the PromoTix web application.

1. Select your event and go to "Orders"


2. Locate an order and click "Edit Order"


Using the filters at the top of the screen, locate the order that you'd like to edit details for. Once you've found it, click on the "Actions" dropdown menu, and then click on "Edit Order."

3. Choose new date/ time for order


This step only applies to recurring events.

On this screen, you will choose a new date/time for the new ticket order. 

Click "Proceed" to continue.

 4. View item status


Any items that are not available will be shown in red "Unavailable" text. Any items that are available will be shown in green "Available" text.

In order to swap out item(s) for other item(s), click on the "Unavailable" or "Available" text to replace item(s) on the order.

 5. Replace item for another item

1000002227On this screen you can select a new item to swap out for the original item.

NOTE: currently items can only be swapped for other items of the same price.

NOTE: you will need to do this step for each individual item you wish to replace.

Once you're done, click "Proceed."

6. Click "Edit Order"

1000002232Click "Edit Order" to complete the ticket swap and resend the customer their confirmation email with their updated order details.

NOTE: In order to save changes, there cannot be any instances of "Unavailable" items left on the order.


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Sam Burns
Sam Burns
Sam is the Client Success and Ambassador Program Specialist for PromoTix, Inc.

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